

Australian National University Bioinformatics

Biodiversity Action Network

BIN21 Biodiversity Information Network

Biodiversity & Biological Collections (Cornell)

BIOSIS and Zoological Record

BIOSIS demonstration search for checking to see if new names are included in the ZR database (in accordance with requirements of new Zoological Code to e operative from Jan 1997) will be publicly available in a couple of weeks time. Other 'names' tools are still in development, but hopefully will be made publicly available in a few months.


Hawaii Biological Survey



Canadian biodiversity information network (CBIN)

The Canadian Endangered Species Protection Act

The California Flora Database

CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity)



The Deep Green Exchange homepage

Digital Exsiccate of Fungi

The Earth Council

Earth Island's Projects and newsletters

ERIN Australian Environment

Fish and Fisheries Research (ISSN 1136-1794)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations (FAO)

GBIF (Global Biodiveristy Informatics Facility)


Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)

IDRC The International Development Research Centre

International Institute for Sustanable Development (IISD)

Institute of Forest Genetics Dendrome Project

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology

International Organization for Plant Information (IOPI)


LIchenized und lichenicolous AScomycetes (LIAS)

The Mulch-Based Agriculture Group

North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)

NHM/UK The Natural History Museum in UK

National Plant Data Center (NPDC)

Ocean Voice International

Pagina Principal de INBio

RAFI Communique

Rain Forest

Second COP for the Convention on Biological Diversity

Smithsonian Institution mammal site

Species 2000 Indexing the World's known Species

Suprageneric Names Indices Nominum Suprangenericorum Plantarum Vascularium Project Database

The Tree of Life

TDWG (International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases)

Universi/ty of Wisconsin Department of Botany

United Nations Environmental Programe (UNEP)

Vascular plants checklist

WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Centre

WCMC Protected Areas Virtual Library