e-Learning System


Active Learning Center - Microbiology

Bacteriology at University of Wisconsin-Madison (Course Materials)

BEYOND BIO 101: The Tranformation of Undergraduate Biology Education (A report from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute)

Bugs in the News (Professor Brown, University of Kansas)

Bugs on the Web Microbiology Public Health for Northern Alberta

Cells Alive (Video clips for classroom)

Computerized Teaching Materials Used During Our Infectious Diseases Course at KCOM (Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine)

Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology (Michigan State University)

EPA Microbiology Page (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

Fundamentals of Microbiology 101>

History of Microbiology (1861-present)

Microbe World (American Society for Microbiology)

Online learning: Microbiology (Suite101.com)

Phylogeny of Life (University of California Museum of Paleontology)

Solve these microbe mysteries (American Society for Microbiology)

The Microbiology Network