News from WFCC


ACM Holds Training Course on Long-Term Preservation and Management of Microbial Resources at BIOTEC, Thailand

Rosario G. Monsalud
Chair, ACM-HRD Task Force

The Asian Consortium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Microbial Resources (ACM) in collaboration with the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Biotec, Thailand), NITE Biological Resource Center (NBRC, Japan), World Data Center (WCDM),  Chinese Academy of Sciences-Institute of Microbiology (IMCAS, Peoples Republic of China), Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology-Korean Collection of Type Cultures Korea Research (KRIBB-KCTC, Republic of Korea), National  Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (BIOTECH, Philippines), and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), conducted a short training course on “Long-Term Preservation and Management of Microbial Resources with Agricultural Importance” last May 22-27, 2011 at the Sirindhorn Science Home (SSH) and BIOTEC in Pathumthani, Thailand. The training aims to increase the capabilities of participants in the proper handling, long-term preservation, identification and quality control of microorganisms, as well as  information and legal management of microbial resources.
The course content included: ISO principles and OECD guidelines for culture collections; information management and database design; legal management of microbial resources; classification of bacteria; modern techniques for yeast taxonomy; classification and taxonomy of filamentous fungi; principle of culture preservation and quality control and preservation and taxonomy of algae.  Hands-on exercises on database management, DNA sequence data processing and interpretation were conducted as well as demonstration and practice on liquid-drying and cryo-preservation techniques. 
Experts from Japan, China, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines delivered lectures and hands-on exercises, namely:                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Dr. Ken-ichiro  Suzuki - Director NBRC, Japan
  • Dr. Katsuhiko Ando - Director NITE Biotechnology Development Center, Japan
  • Dr. Hiroko Kawasaki –Head Curator, Yeast  Collection, NBRC, Japan
  • Dr. Tomohiko Tamura –Head Curator, Actinomycete  Collection, NBRC, Japan
  • Dr. Izumi Okane –Head Curator, Fungi Collection NBRC, Japan
  • Dr. Juncai Ma – Director, WCDM and IMCAS- Information Center, Peoples Republic of China
  • Dr. Jung-Sook Lee – Director, KCTC, KRIBB, South Korea
  • Dr. Tanit Changthavorn –Head, Business Development and  BioLaw,  BIOTEC, Thailand
  • Dr. Supawadee Ingsriswang – Head, Information Systems Laboratory, BIOTEC, Thailand
  • Dr. Sittiruk Roytrakul –  Head, Proteomics  Laboratory, Genome Institute, BIOTEC, Thailand
  • Dr. Jennifer Luangsa-ard –  Head, Phylogenetics Laboratory, BIOTEC, Thailand
  • Dr. Aparat Mahakhant –Senior Scientist, TSTR, Thailand
  • Dr. Pattaraporn Rattanawaree – Scientist, BIOTEC, Thailand
  • Ms. Thitiya Boonpratuang – Curator, BBH Herbarium, Thailand
  • Ms. Suwanee Chunhametha – Curator, BIOTEC Culture Collection, BIOTEC, Thailand
  • Dr. Rosario G. Monsalud – Head, PNCM, BIOTECH, UPLB, Philippines

In all, about 70 participants made up of researchers, lecturers and Ph.D. students from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam attended the training course.


The ACM lecturers and participants with Biotec,Thailand Executive Director Dr. Kanyawim  Kiratikara and Deputy Director D. Lily Eurwilaichtr  (front row, 8th and 9th from the left).


Each participant had the chance to do L-drying and cryopreservation of bacteria and fungi.